How to get Scuff Marks Off Porcelain Tiles

Porcelain tiles can really make your kitchen, bathroom and home stand out. But those pesky scuff marks can too – for the wrong reasons – so knowing how to get them off is important.

Getting rid and restoring them to their formal glory is easier than you think.

We’ll tell you how in this blog.

With a simple step-by-step guide and clear instructions, your tiles will be gleaming again.

Sound good?

how to get scuff marks off porcelain tiles

Understanding Porcelain tiles

What are porcelain tiles?

Porcelain tiles are a type of ceramic tile, renowned for their strength and durability.

They are made by firing refined clay at really high temperatures.

Our Ultimate Guide to Porcelain tiles delves into the detail that make them as popular as they are at Ceramic City. 

Why Choose Porcelain tiles?

Durability: Porcelain tiles are known for their exceptional durability. They are highly durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic with ease. Ideal in busy areas in your home.

Low Maintenance: These floors are a breeze to clean and are highly resistant to stains, making them the perfect choice for homes with a lot going on and those people who have very little time! Like oil stains, for example.

Water-Resistant: Ideal for bathrooms and kitchens, these surfaces are highly resistant to water absorption. No need to worry about your long showers or baths ruining the longevity of the tile.

How do Scuff Marks Come About?

Everyday use: The regular day-to-day stuff we don’t even realise we are doing can cause marks and scuffs. Mucky work boots with steel toe caps; dogs with dirty paws and sharp nails; high heels; and moving furniture are often the causes of scuffs.

Material Contact: When porcelain comes into contact with certain materials, especially rubber, it can leave these eyesores that are scuffs.

Tools: How to get Scuff Marks Off Porcelain Tiles

Make sure you have the right tools for the job.

You’ll be happy to hear most of which you should have at home.

So no need to be buying expensive materials or cleaners just yet.

  • Soft Cloth or Sponge: Ideal for gentle cleaning and wiping.
  • Warm Water: A reliable and effective cleaning solution.
  • Introducing Mild Detergent: Enhancing your cleaning routine with an extra boost.
  • Baking soda is an excellent choice when it comes to creating a mild cleaning paste.
  • A regular pencil rubber can work wonders on scuffs.
  • Consider using a commercial tile cleaner for those stubborn stains.
  • Bucket: A handy tool for blending cleaning solutions.
  • Using rubber gloves is essential for hand protection, especially when working with strong commercial cleaners

How to remove Scuff Marks: Step-by-Step Guide

1 Start with the Easier Method First

Use Warm Water: Immerse your cloth or sponge in warm water. Squeeze it until it’s moist, but not excessively wet.

Delicately Remove the Scuff Marks: With the help of a damp cloth, gently rub away the scuff marks.

2 Introduce a mild detergent.

For optimal results, enhance the effectiveness of water by incorporating a small amount of gentle detergent into warm water.

Gently Apply and Scrub: Utilise this mixture to lightly scrub away the scuff marks.

3 Try Baking Soda

Create a paste by mixing baking soda with a small amount of water.

Utilise the paste: Apply this paste to the scuff marks with care.

Gently Scrub and Rinse: Take care to scrub the area gently, then rinse it off with a damp cloth.

4 The Eraser or Rubber Technique

Believe it or not, but the rubber you had in your pencil case at home might do the trick!

More suited for smaller scuffs than those big marks, it’s a trick worth trying.

5 Commercial Cleaners

For those really stubborn marks, a commercial cleaner might be your only job.

Make sure to read the label and follow the instructions carefully on it as all brands are treated differently.

Don’t forget the PPE!

6 Rinse, Dry and Repeat if needed!

Ensure a Thorough Rinse: Once the cleaning process is complete, it is important to thoroughly rinse the area using a damp cloth.

This will effectively eliminate any lingering cleaning residue.

Ensure the Tile is Dry: Use a clean, soft cloth to wipe the area until it is completely dry.


It is advisable to begin with a gentle cleaning method to prevent any potential damage to your tiles.

Before trying out more potent remedies, it’s always wise to conduct a preliminary test on a small and inconspicuous area. By following these simple steps, you can effortlessly eliminate scuff marks and maintain the impeccable appearance of your porcelain tiles.

how to get scuff marks off porcelain tiles

Tips for Avoiding Scuff Marks

Maintaining the pristine condition of your porcelain tiles requires consistent maintenance and proactive steps.

Regular upkeep:

It’s important to keep your tiles clean by dusting or sweeping them regularly to get rid of dirt and debris.

By taking this precaution, potential damage to the surface can be avoided, ensuring a smooth and mark-free finish.

Clean as you go, so you don’t have to go to clean!

Quick Response to Spills

It’s important to clean up spills right away to prevent any potential stains or marks that could be difficult to remove later on.

The longer a liquid like oil stains, milk or some acidic drink sits on the surface on your tiles, the harder it can be to get off.

Maintaining Clean Tiles

It is recommended to use a damp mop with a mild detergent on a weekly basis to ensure the tiles remain in excellent condition.

Try and avoid any strong commercial cleaners unless you really, really need it.

Hot water, fairy liquid and some elbow grease is as good as any!

Precautionary Steps

Consider using doormats and rugs to help keep your tiles clean.

Placing them at entrances can help minimise the amount of dirt and grit that gets tracked onto your floors.

This is especially important if any of your loved ones are farmers (they love to bring mucky wellies into the house!) or busy young boys or girls!

We’re all in the same boat!

Or how about implementing a ‘No Shoes’ policy! Nothing like a good sign on the door to drive this home.

Protect Your Furniture

Consider using felt pads underneath the legs of your furniture to protect your floors from potential scratches and scuffs during relocation.

You can get these lifesavers at any hardware store. These are ideal right HERE.

They are cheap, durable and will save you a lot of heartache of scratches and scuff marks on your lovely new porcelain tiles.


Scuff marks on porcelain tiles, although quite common, can be easily dealt with.

By following the straightforward instructions we’ve provided, you can effortlessly bring back the shine and beauty of your tiles.

Just keep in mind that it’s important to be proactive and handle things with care.

Make sure to explore our comprehensive guide to porcelain tiles for in-depth tips on how to care for them.

Discover a wealth of valuable insights and expert tips to help you maintain the beauty and longevity of your porcelain surfaces. Whether you’re taking on a complete renovation or simply enhancing your space, our all-inclusive guide is here to help.


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